OpsaC - Operating as PowerShell code
published: April 27, 2019 author: Tinu tags: PowerShell categories: Configuration-Management
Automate the System Center Configuration Manager with PowerShell.
Importing the Configuration Manager PowerShell Module and connect to the CMServer and CMSite:
cd 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Configuration Manager\AdminConsole\bin'
if(-not(Get-Module -Name ConfigurationManager)){
Import-Module \ConfigurationManager.psd1
New-PSDrive -Name $SiteCode -PSProvider "AdminUI.PS.Provider\CMSite" -Root $SiteServer -Description $SiteCode
To create a Configuration Baseline, you need a Baseline, and one or more ConfigurationItems with settings to test and rules.
1) Create a Configuration Baseline
2) Create a Configuration Item
3) Add Configuration Setting without a Rule
4) Add Configuration Rule to the Setting
5) Add Configuration Item to the Baseline
Create a new Baseline (remove it before adding new Configuration Items):
$baseline = @{
Name = 'CB_Test-Base'
Description = 'This is a Test-Baseline'
$cb = Get-CMBaseline -Name $baseline.Name
$cb | Remove-CMBaseline -Force
$cb = New-CMBaseline @baseline
Create a new empty Configuration Item:
$ci = Get-CMConfigurationItem -Name 'Test-OS-ReleaseId' -Fast
$ci | Remove-CMConfigurationItem -Force
$properties = @{
Name = 'Test-OS-ReleaseId'
Description = 'The OS ReleaseId should be 1703'
CreationType = 'WindowsOS'
$ci = New-CMConfigurationItem @properties
Write-Host "SCCM ConfigurationItem $($ci.LocalizedDisplayName) successfully created" -ForegroundColor Green
Add a new CMComplianceSettingRegistryKeyValue to an existent Configuration Item.
$settings = @{
#Settings to test
SettingName = 'ReleaseId must exist'
DataType = 'String'
Hive = 'LocalMachine'
KeyName = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion'
ValueName = 'ReleaseId'
NoRule = $true
$temp = $ci | Add-CMComplianceSettingRegistryKeyValue @settings
Write-Host "SCCM ConfigurationItem $($ci.LocalizedDisplayName) successfully created" -ForegroundColor Green
$setting = $ci | Get-CMComplianceSetting -SettingName $($settings.SettingName)
Write-Host "SCCM ConfigurationItem $($settings.SettingName) successfully created" -ForegroundColor Green
Add a new CMComplianceSettingScript to an existent Configuration Item:
$ScriptText = @"
`$(Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion -Name ReleaseId)
$settings = @{
#Settings to test
SettingName = 'ReleaseId must exist'
DataType = 'String'
DiscoveryScriptLanguage = 'PowerShell'
DiscoveryScriptText = $ScriptText
#DiscoveryScriptFile = 'C:\Scripts\Get-ReleaseId.ps1'
Is64Bit = $true
NoRule = $true
$temp = $ci | Add-CMComplianceSettingScript @settings
Write-Host "SCCM ConfigurationItem $($ci.LocalizedDisplayName) successfully created" -ForegroundColor Green
$setting = $ci | Get-CMComplianceSetting -SettingName $($settings.SettingName)
Write-Host "SCCM ConfigurationItem $($settings.SettingName) successfully created" -ForegroundColor Green
$ExistentialRule = @{
#Compliance Rule
RuleName = 'Should be MustNotExist'
Existence = 'MustNotExist'
NoncomplianceSeverity = 'Warning'
$rule = $setting | New-CMComplianceRuleExistential @ExistentialRule
Write-Host "SCCM ConfigurationItem $($rule.Name) successfully created" -ForegroundColor Green
$temp = $ci | Add-CMComplianceSettingRule -Rule $rule
$ValueRule = @{
#Compliance Rule
ValueRule = $true
RuleName = 'The ReleaseId must be 1703'
ExpressionOperator = 'IsEqual'
ExpectedValue = '1703'
ReportNoncompliance = $true
NoncomplianceSeverity = 'Warning'
$rule = $setting | New-CMComplianceRuleValue @ValueRule
Write-Host "SCCM ConfigurationItem $($rule.Name) successfully created" -ForegroundColor Green
$temp = $ci | Add-CMComplianceSettingRule -Rule $rule
Add each ConfigurationItem to a Baseline.
Set-CMBaseline -Name $baseline.Name -AddOSConfigurationItem $ci.CI_ID
ConfigurationManager on Microsoft Docs
Create ConfigurationItems and Baselines without killing your mouse on CTGlobal