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Task Scheduler

published: August 12, 2019 author: Tinu tags: PowerShell categories: System-Engineering

Table of Contents

Task Scheduler

Create a Scheduled Task

# Create the script
$ScriptFullname = 'C:\Admin\Scripts\Maintenace\RebootOnce.ps1'
if(-not(Test-Path $ScriptFullname)){$null = New-Item -Path $ScriptFullname -ItemType File -Force}

$Content = @"
Restart-Computer -Force
$Content | Out-File -FilePath $ScriptFullname -Encoding utf8 -Force

# Create a new task action
$taskAction = @{
    Execute  = '%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe'
    Argument = "-NoProfile -NoLogo -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File $($ScriptFullname)"
$ScheduledTaskAction = New-ScheduledTaskAction @taskAction

# Create a new trigger
$taskTrigger = @{
    Once = $true
    At   = '2021/02/20 03:00:00'
$ScheduledTaskTrigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger @taskTrigger

# Create new task principal
$taskPrincipal = @{
    LogonType = 'ServiceAccount'
    RunLevel  = 'Highest'
$ScheduledTaskPrincipal = New-ScheduledTaskPrincipal @taskPrincipal

# Create new task settings
$taskSettings = @{
    ExecutionTimeLimit = (New-TimeSpan -Hours 1)
$ScheduledTaskSettingsSet = New-ScheduledTaskSettingsSet @taskSettings

# Register the new PowerShell scheduled task
$registerTask = @{
    TaskName    = "RestartOnce"
    Description = "Restart the computer one time"
    Action      = $ScheduledTaskAction
    Trigger     = $ScheduledTaskTrigger
    Principal   = $ScheduledTaskPrincipal
    TaskPath    = '\Maintenace'
    Settings    = $ScheduledTaskSettingsSet
Register-ScheduledTask @registerTask

Get-ScheduledTask -TaskName "RestartOnce" | Select *

Get-ScheduledTask "RestartOnce" | Get-ScheduledTaskInfo | Select *

Delete a Scheduled Task

# Delete the new PowerShell scheduled task
Unregister-ScheduledTask -TaskName "RestartOnce" -Confirm:$false

Task Actions

Action: Start a program

Program/script: %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe

Add arguments: -NoProfile -NoLogo -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File “C:\Temp\MyScript.ps1”

Task Information

Get-ScheduledTask | Where-Object TaskName -match "Verify Summary" | ForEach {

    $Task = $_
    $TaskInfo = Get-ScheduledTaskInfo -TaskName $Task.TaskName

        TaskName           = $Task.TaskName
        TaskPath           = $Task.TaskPath
        Author             = $Task.Author
        Date               = $Task.Date
        Description        = $Task.Description
        State              = $Task.State
        LastRunTime        = $TaskInfo.LastRunTime
        NextRunTime        = $TaskInfo.NextRunTime
        LastTaskResult     = $TaskInfo.LastTaskResult
        NumberOfMissedRuns = $TaskInfo.NumberOfMissedRuns


TaskName           : Verify Summary
TaskPath           : \
Author             : Domain\Asscount
Date               : 2019-08-12T09:04:50.0000171
Description        :
State              : Ready
LastRunTime        : 12.08.2019 09:08:08
NextRunTime        : 19.08.2019 08:04:04
LastTaskResult     : 0
NumberOfMissedRuns : 0


Start the PowerShell-Script with a CMD-Script, to verify that the script can be run with the configured Account in the ScheduledTask.

@echo off
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *
rem Description: Start PS-Script
rem Author     : Martin Walther
rem ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- *

rem Path: %~dp0 Script: %~n0
set log=%~dp0%~n0.log
set script=%~dp0%~n0.ps1
echo %log%
echo %script%

echo Start %script% %date%%time% > %log%
%SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -NoProfile -NoLogo -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy Bypass %script% >> %log%
echo End %script% %date%%time% >> %log%

In the Logfile, you can find any Errors- or Output from the PowerShell-Script.

Task Scheduler Errors

Error Problem Solution
0x1 Path to the program does not exists Correct the Path to the program e.g. change powershell.exe to C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
0xFFFD0000 Path to the script does not exists Correct the Path to the script

See also

Task Scheduler Error and Success Constants on Microsoft Docs.

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