OpsaC - Operating as PowerShell code
published: September 7, 2022 author: Tinu tags: PowerShell categories: System-Engineering
PowerShell Script to analyze a Memory-Dump.
Load the Windows Debugger
This function will load the Windows Debugger to analyze a MemoryDump
-Author: Martin Walther
-Email :
-CreationDate: 07.04.2017
-LastModifiedDate: 18.10.2022
-Version: 2.0.0
Write-Output "Set the proxy and restart the script"
$winkitpath = "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10"
if(Test-Path -Path "$($winkitpath)\Debuggers\x64"){
Set-Location "$($winkitpath)\Debuggers\x64"
write-output ("*******************************************************************************")
write-output ("*")
Write-Output ("* Load Windows Debugger ")
write-output ("*")
write-output ("*******************************************************************************")
Get-ChildItem '...\..\Dumps' -Filter *.dmp | Select LastWriteTime,Fullname | ft -AutoSize
write-output ("")
$dumpfile = $(read-host "Enter the full-filename of the memory-dump")
$dumpfile = $dumpfile.Trim('"')
$Logfile = "C:\scripts\$($dumpfile | Split-Path -Leaf).log"
if(Test-Path -Path $dumpfile){
Write-Output ("Analyze $($dumpfile), please wait . . .")
$ret = .\kd.exe -y "srv*https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols" -z $dumpfile -logo out.txt -c "!analyze -v;q"
$ret | Out-File "$($Logfile)"
Write-output ("`n*******************************************************************************")
Write-Output ("Analysis result:")
$ret -match "Probably caused by"
$ret -match "MODULE_NAME:\s.*"
$ret -match "IMAGE_NAME:\s.*"
$ret -match "SYMBOL_NAME:\s.*"
$ret -match "PROCESS_NAME:\s.*"
$ret -match "BUGCHECK_"
$ret -match "FAILURE_BUCKET_ID:\s.*"
Write-output ("*******************************************************************************")
if(Test-Path -Path $Logfile){
Write-Output ("`nBugcheck Analysis saved to $($Logfile)")
Write-Output ("For more information consult $($Logfile)")
Write-Output "Warning: File $($dumpfile) not found, could not analyze dumpfile."
Write-Output "Warning: File $($winkitpath) not found, could not start Windows Debugger."
Analyze crash dump files by using WinDbg.